
Thursday, February 10, 2011

CHD Awareness Week - Day 4!


Ask for help!  It is hard to ask people to help you, but it is absolutely necessary. This and the next one were the hardest for me & Dena. It goes against everything we are taught to ask for help, it shows weakness, etc. There are thousands of excuses, but you can't do it alone! 

2.  Accept help that is offered!  People want to help and it is okay to take them up on the offer. In situations like this, people feel like they need to do something for you, let them! Whether you let someone bring you dinner, let them clean your house, let them do your laundry, let them give you money, or simply let them pray for you...accept it gracefully and humbly. They will appreciate and you will feel better!

3.  Join a support group.  You can do this only when you are ready. Some are ready before others, we wanted the support and friendship immediately. Amazing Little Hearts is a great support group in the Dallas area, you can send me a message for more information!

4.  Ask questions!  Ask lots and lots of questions. Make sure that you understand what is happening with your child. This is one of those times where there are NO stupid questions! If you need a doctor to draw pictures for you...ask, if you need a nurse to re-explain something...ask, whatever the question, miscommunication, or misunderstanding, asking a question can usually solve the problem.

5.  Speak up!  You know your child best. Sometimes you have to follow your gut and speak up. Doctors play a huge role in our children's lives, but they don't know everything. If something doesn't seem right to you or someone is not listening to you...SPEAK UP! If they won't listen, find someone who will!

6.  Appreciate your doctors, nurses, etc.  They are taking good care of your kids. They want what is best for your kids. Remember that they are people too, they have bad days, they make mistakes, they have real lives outside of the hospital or office. Make sure you tell them thank you, send them a card, tell their supervisor how good they are, be patient!

7.  Appreciate each and every day with your little one!  Some parents are not as lucky and don't get to have their kids with them, if you are in the CHD community, you know this is true! We all have friends who have lost their angels, so don't let the little things make you lose sight of what is most important! It is especially important to remember this when things get tough!

I want to leave you with another CHD poem:

Somewhere…someplace… today…
A family is waiting to hear…
Is something wrong with their baby?
The answers aren’t quite clear…
This family has entered an unwanted world…
And they just don’t know what to expect…
Somewhere…someplace… today
They first heard the words: heart defect.
And how they hoped this was not true…
And thought… this cannot be…
I too… know just how this feels…
For one day…this was me.

A man and a woman embrace…
Their baby is in surgery…
They long to see her face…
They haven’t got to hold her yet…
Without…a cord or line…
They pace the room awaiting news…
And hope she’ll be just fine.
Prayers fill this busy waiting room…
And mom and dad are scared…
The tiniest hearts are repaired.

A child’s growing fast…
His mom thinks…can this last?
It’s almost easy…to forget…
That anything is wrong…
Her child seems so strong.

Somewhere…someplace… today…
A little boy fights…just to live
A father holds his tiny hand…
His love…all he can give…
The doctor’s are all baffled…
They fear that he might die…
A family says goodbye…

Somewhere…someplace…each year..
More than 40,000 families will see…
What it means…when something’s wrong…
They’ll face a CHD.
Today…for just a moment…
Make time to tell someone you know…
“I’ve been changed by a heart defect”.

Author - Stephanie Husted

With Love & Heart Hugs!
Trent, Dena, & Tucker

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